
For as long as I remember I was drawing, painting, doodling or writing stories. What can I say, I was an artsy-fartsy kind of kid. I remember getting in serious trouble for mixing the paints in the paint by number kit my parents bought me. I wanted different colors, so I made them. It’s just who I was.

I was doodling in Mr. Baker’s 7th grade social studies class. I mean, major doodles. Half of my paper was covered with a bald eagle. Mr. Baker walked around checking to see if we were doing our work, and, well, let’s just say, my doodle was too big to cover.

“Mr. Harris, see me in the hall, and bring your notebook.”

I was sure I was toast. Instead, he marched me down to his wife’s classroom. She was the art teacher. They both asked me why I wasn’t taking art, and I told them I couldn’t afford the paints we were supposed to buy. They bought them for me. (Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Baker)

After that, I was hooked. I began winning awards in high school, showing my work around the state, and doing all manner of artsy things. Until I talked to my high school counselor, who told me I could never make a living with art, and I needed to focus on a real job. (I can’t remember his name. Funny, how the people who believe in you make such an impact, those who don’t; not so much.)

I headed to college to prepare for said “real” job, and focused on science rather than art. While doing that, I made pizza money by collecting beer bottles from the side of the road, washing them and painting picture on them. Perfect dorm decorations for college guys!

After finally squeezing a four year degree into five years, I went out and worked for a living. My free time for creating decreased, and marriage and two kids whittled away more of it, until eventually I seldom even visited the world of creation. -Tears are fine at this point in the story-

The kids have grown and flown, but I did keep the wife and job. (Wanted to keep the wife; the job...) Recently, I just felt the intense desire to create again, so I've begun the journey, no the adventure of moving back to the world of creation.

This blog is the journal of that adventure.

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